"Gati shakti vishwavidyalaya vadodara "
Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya (GSV)
Vadodara, Gujarat
Name: Vikas khairiya | Batch of 2028 | Rating 2
Course: B.E / B.Tech (Artificial Intelligence & Data Science)
Recommends this college
Under developed labs: Here we don't have proper labs for ex we have a fule testing labs instead of a chemistry lab ...in fule lab all chemistry practical are performed.Similarly our computer and physics lab so small that every class is divided into 2
Infrastructure 3.5
Campus 3
Faculty 4
Industry Exposure 4
Placements 1.5
Affordability 2
Campus Facilities: Academic Of GSV: Here academic are very strict if a student have attandance less than 75% they degraded one grade and if attendance is lower than 50% students have to repeat the course.Hostel Facilities 4 Talking about hostel room ,it is your one the biggest flex as here every room have attached combined washroom and bathroom. And every room have one air conditioner which can be operated personally. But food quality is really bad for first year boys for other students food quality is decent. And for first year boys , they are accomodated outside of college in private hostel where not only food but water is also not good . ...we have deal with hard water. Which causes typhoid and hair fall.
Campus Life: Campus Life 3 In GSV due to the strict academic students do have a great campus life other than that students enjoy a lot in forest area or nearby places. Clubs are sometimes that keep working 24*7. Here clubs are so active that even at the time of exams we have some or the other event going on .But clubs are not provided proper funding or infrastructure.
Faculty: Faculty 3 In GSV there are two types of faculty one permanent and other visiting faculty. Faculty to students ratio can categorised as good. We have good faculty to students relationship. Talking about qualification most of the faculty have done there PhD from IIT and NIT. Even visiting faculty are one who expert in their field. The only drawback is AVIATION ENGINEERING do not have any permanent faculty till date ...which is going to solve soon
Placements: Placement Experience 3 We have low average package current date but it will grow 3x in next four years. But stats about number of students placed are high than even IIT Bombay. For civil engineering we 100% placement record and for ECE we have 92+ % placement record.
Salary Package: 4 - 6 Lakhs
Safety Measures: Anti-Ragging Cell
Posted On: 20-Feb-2025