JEE Advanced (Joint Entrance Examination Advanced)



18 May 2025

KIITEE 2018 Exam Pattern

As per the exam pattern of KIITEE 2018, the entrance exam will be computer-based with the question paper comprising 3 sections: physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Each section will carry 40 MCQs, for a total of 120 questions. To take the exam, the candidate will have to log in to a computer using the password mentioned on their KIITEE 2018 admit card. KIITEE 2018 will be conducted from April 15-24, 2018 in online mode. Candidates need to go through the rest of the article to understand the complete details of KIITEE exam pattern 2018.

KIITEE 2018 Exam Pattern

Section (Subject)

Number of Questions

Marks Per Question



















How to take the Computer-based test

KIITEE 2018 will be a computer-based test like in previous years. Here we provide students details they need to be familiar with regarding the computer-based test.

  • Every candidate will be given a computer for the test
  • The computer screen will display a welcome screen.
  • Log-in to the system to take KIITEE 2018: The candidate will have to log in using the password given in the admit card.
  • There will a timer that will indicate the time left for the test to end.
  • The question paper has three sections. If the candidate completes answering all the questions of one section, he/she will be automatically redirected to the first question of the following section.
  • The candidate also has the flexibility to move between sections during the test. It means, the candidate needn’t complete one section to answer questions of another section. In fact the candidate can attempt all the three sections simultaneously.
  • The test will close automatically once the 180 minutes are over.
  • If a candidate completes the test in less the 180 minutes, the candidate may either use the remaining time to review the answers or go back the test.
  • To go to a question directly, the candidate simply has to click on the question number of that question, which will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

KIITEE 2018 Exam Pattern: Additional Details

  • The candidate must bring along the admit card of KIITEE 2018 to the exam hall
  • The candidate must arrive at the test centre about 45 minutes before the start of exam
  • No textual, material, slide rule, calculator, log table,  printed or written material, electronics watch, papers, or any other device except the admit card and pen/pencil are allowed inside the exam hall.
  • Candidates will be provided with a sheet of paper where they can do all their rough work.

Click here : KIITEE 2018 Syllabus

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